Wednesday, December 9, 2009

learning process.

So in my young existentce of blogging I have learned that once I use spellcheck I cannot continue to add more inspiring ideas into this world. So let me finish what I started, ok? Good!

Here we go (in Heath Ledger's Joker voice):

Facebook is still the primary use to most people, like myself! But this summer this gadget called twitter knocked me off my feet and stole my heart, just like John Travolta did to Oliva Newton-John in Grease!

Twitter is just perfect the way it allows you to say whatever is on your mind at any given time of the day. Although you have to keep it to a 140 text limit, it still doesnt matter! Twitter forces you to get to the is perfect! Then twitter expanded to blogging which in sense is all the same thing! And now I have been introuced to blogger...

Now here I am today...just a virgin to this blogging world. I begin and then I end just as I had intended to in my first blog...Oh well, now I have two under my belt!


  1. Hey I think it's great to start blogging:) Check out mine. . Hope you're doing well Brandon!!!

    Sarah McMillan

  2. thats for the shoutout, but can't a brother get a link under your favorites? I know you check "Chew Softly" out everday, don't lie

  3. this is the worst blog i have ever seen in my life!!!!!! i am going to go swallow a bullet after this!!!
